Thursday, 11 May 2017

The 3 S’s; Strength, Support and Success – Syrena Oswald

As a new faculty member at Bow Valley College (BVC), I would like to send out a gigantic thank you to all the faculty and staff in the Centre of Excellence in Foundational Learning (CEFL) and the program coordinator Trish. I believe it is important to recognize faculty for welcoming new members to the workplace as it can often be somewhat daunting. What has impressed me the most, is that so many faculty and staff have been supportive, friendly and have purposely gone out of their way to assist myself and other new faculty members. This has resulted in us feeling connected and in the ‘loop’.

During my first two weeks at BVC I have encountered endless smiles, hellos, support and encouragement. For example, many faculty members took time to provide me with instructional materials, pep talks and pertinent day to day housekeeping information. So needless to say, thank you to the Bow Valley College faculty for providing myself and other new faculty members with a supportive and inspiring learning space.

As Maya Angelou said,

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Official Curriculum Math Exams Update – Michael Gaschnitz

As of today, I am resigning from being the Contact Person for the mathematics section of the Official Curriculum folder. I have been Contact Person for a year and a half, and now it is time for another math instructor who values effective collaboration to hold the torch high.
Thank-you Members for your hard work and commitment over the last year and a half. You recognized the value of shared effort and collaboration. You faithfully and willingly worked toward a common goal. You selflessly contributed to the society of instructors and the department. You shared.

Please feel free to make use of any portion of the math curriculum change system we developed. This is a very effective and efficient way for everyone to participate, to have a voice, and to be updated regarding every single change.

Committee members, I suggest adding your participation in the Official Curriculum for Math Exams Committee to your Performance Appraisal. As OCMEC members you have addressed the following CEFL and college-wide goals:
·        Engage in curriculum and assessment changes that incorporate and enhance academic essential skills, workplace essential skills, and digital literacy.
o   OCMEC members are highly engaged in a continuation of the official process of curriculum improvement.
·        Organization Advocacy: “Builds and maintains support for the organization through collaboration and visible, in-charge leadership, positive attitudes and behaviours.“
o   Participation in the official department curriculum process is unambiguous evidence of “positive attitudes and behaviours.”
·        Open Communication/ Listening
o   Communication: Everyone is updated of every suggested and implemented change.  Listening: Everyone holds a veto.
·        Models Agility: “Understands that there is a need to constantly change and evolve in order to achieve sustainability. Anticipates, supports, responds and adapts to change readily.”
o   Collective, clearly-communicated efforts are more sustainable. We change and evolve together with shared efforts.

Michael Gaschnitz