Tuesday, 8 May 2012

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Workshop - Debbie Scott

  I would definitely recommend this workshop; it is probably more beneficial than a CPR course.
Many of us have been touched by suicide in some way.  This is suicide first aid training that allows you to learn:
·         how to ask about suicide
·         help the person at risk get help
·         get help for yourself
Most people feel uncomfortable talking about suicide and often feel it is not their place to question a person at risk.  But, if someone falls to the ground clutching their chest, would you not want to do everything you can to help?  If you are trained in CPR, would you not immediately start performing CPR? Coming across a student, coworker, friend, neighbor or even a stranger in need of suicide intervention is much more likely than coming across a person in need of CPR.
Many of our students have personal issues to deal with and often suffer from depression.  If a student, stranger, or someone you know gives you some indications that life is becoming unbearable, knowing how to approach the subject of suicide is an awareness that could save a life.
This workshop contains pictorial representations of both the stages of a person at risk and the process of addressing the concerns of the person at risk.  Colouring and symbolism allow for a greater understanding that anyone could be at risk and that with the ASIST training, the process of intervening becomes logical and flows from one stage to the next.
For me, the most useful aspect of the workshop was to provide a different perspective about how communication regarding suicide needs to be direct.  Worrying about being intrusive, out of line, or even worrying about influencing behavior is secondary to saving a life. 
Don’t wait! Ask the question: 
            “Are you thinking of suicide?” 
“Are you planning on killing yourself?”

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