I was able to attend the open house and I found it inspiring. I was amazed by the number of people who braved the cold to find out more about the college. I had worked at open houses in the past, but I had never seen this much traffic at the academic upgrading booth. A good number of the people who came to see us had pre-formulated questions and knew what they needed for upgrading course, unlike in the past, where visitors did not have as high an awareness. As well, a number of people were referred to our booth from the career program and learner services booths, and we referred others on to them in return.
Special thanks goes to Petya for setting up the booth and running the academic upgrading open house area. Knowing the prospective students as she does, she brought down texts for them to see and recorded names to send them further information. Knowing the college, she answered all of their questions in a professional and friendly manner. Where needed, she directed them to booths or services in the college. She had the department pages and the mybvc.ca website open for students in investigate.
Thanks to Karen and the four students from the Aboriginal program who came on a Saturday to represent the department. Kudos to Karen for setting this up a student leadership opportunity. The students were leaders, in every sense, answering questions based on their experience. I had the chance to talk to them and they were very complimentary of their program, its coordinator and its instructors. As well, we had a few good laughs.
I was moved. I will take the opportunity to send info to students who requested further information about our courses and programs. I learned so much about the people who choose to study here and why they do. I was reminded of some of the really good people who work here and so for important reasons. I was reminded of the great students who choose to come here to learn. I certainly had fun.
Thank you, Carey, for sharing this with everyone. I just want to add that this Open House was the best attended in years and the growing popularity of the College was probably one of the reasons. It seemed that a lot of the prospective students had a very clear idea of what exactly they needed to help them progress in their lives and they were excited about the numerous options we were able to offer. I have already scheduled appointments with some of the students and 40 e-mails with additional information will go out before the end of the week. Huge thank you to the four students from the Aboriginal program who spent the day with us and provided a lot of prospective students with the piece of information that matters the most – their classroom experience.