The Curriculum Development Team is very pleased to update you on
the progress of the Science 14 Final Exam Review. The Science 14 project review
team has completed the Form A of the final exam for Science 14. The exam was
developed in collaboration with faculty from across the department program
offerings including TRAD, ATOL, Aboriginal, and Flex. The exam has so far
proven to be valid and reliable as students performed as expected when it was
written on August 21 this term.
Thank you very much to Exam Reviewers Penny Marcotte, Lee Murray,
Julie Hill, Angelica McDonald, Alix MacDonald, Danielle Dore, Lynda Newton,
Neil Summers, Lindsay Bonenfant, and Jennifer Chang. A very big thank you to Penny Marcotte and
Neil Summers for item writing and blueprinting the exam. Thank you also to
Jenny Tzanakos for creating images for items in the exam. It looks fantastic
and it reflects the Science 14 curriculum extremely well. Penny and Neil took
great care in attending to official curriculum when creating items and the
blueprint. Thank you for your diligence (and persistence J).
As part of all exam reviews, we will
continue with the maintenance phase on Form A, and we will review statistics on
the exam after it is written by a large enough student pool. We will continue
work on Form B in the fall semester. Angelica has already converted the exam to
the new format, and so we will continue with the item writing of Form B for
completion in the fall term.
This was a great group to work with and I
thank everyone for their contributions! I'm looking forward to working with you
again on Form B.